Bridge To College Courses

Under the leadership of the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the Bridge to College transition courses are collaboratively designed and developed by higher education faculty, high school teachers and curriculum specialists from colleges and school districts. The courses are grounded in essential career- and college-readiness expectations as reflected by Washington’s K-12 learning standards.

Math Course

The Bridge to College mathematics course is based on the Southern Regional Education Board’s Math Ready course. The curriculum emphasizes modeling with mathematics and the Common Core State Standards for math, and a variety of essential standards from Algebra I, statistics and geometry, plus Algebra II standards that are essential for college- and career-readiness. The course emphasizes student engagement based on conceptual teaching and learning. To review all of the Bridge to College Math course materials, contact Kristen Jaoui, the project manager (


English Course

The Bridge to College English language arts course is built on a foundation from the successful Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) developed by the California State University system for high school seniors. The course develops skills in critical reading, academic writing, speaking and listening, research and inquiry and language use as defined by the new state English language arts learning standards for high school. Students will:

  • Read complex nonfiction and fiction texts focusing on issues of current and enduring importance.
  • Evaluate the credibility of information, critique others’ opinions, and construct their own opinions based on evidence.
  • Use strategies for critical reading, argumentative writing and independent thinking while reading unfamiliar texts and responding to them in discussion and writing.
  • Develop essential habits necessary for success in college including independence, persistence and metacognition.