For Educators

Bridge to College transition courses offers qualified high school students a unique way to gain the skills and knowledge they need to graduate ready for college-level courses in math and/or English. If they plan to go straight to college after high school, successful completion (B or better) of Bridge to College courses can save these students time and money by avoiding the need to take pre-college classes when they enter participating higher education institutions in Washington (all community and technical colleges plus Eastern Washington University).


The Washington community and technical college system adopted a statewide agreement offering high school students the opportunity to be placed in college-level coursework based on their scores on the Smarter Balanced Assessment. As part of this agreement, the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) have developed Bridge to College transition courses in math and English language arts. These courses are designed to provide an additional route to college readiness for high school seniors who do not score at a college-ready level on the assessments. In the absence of Smarter Balanced scores, students can still enroll in the courses; see the FAQ list for additional information about who should take the courses if scores aren’t available. Students can qualify for automatic placement at college entry if they take the Bridge course and get a B or better grade.

Why adopt the Bridge to College transition courses at my school?

The placement agreement and transition courses will:

  • Allow more students to save both time and money by avoiding the need to take pre-college courses once they’ve entered college.
  • Allow more students to avoid placement testing in college.
  • Improve curricular alignment between K-12 and entry-level college courses in math and English.
  • Develop and sustain local college/school district partnerships and faculty/teacher collaboration.

Funding and professional development for teachers: participating schools are required to support course teachers’ attendance in a 2-day summer institute and five professional learning opportunities throughout the school year in order to support strong course implementation. Course leaders are providing a regionally-based professional learning structure for training and supporting teachers throughout the year, which begins each year in August with an in-person Summer Institute for new and returning teachers (a virtual option is available). For cost and registration details, see the OSPI Bridge to College web page.

Questions on how to get Bridge to College transition courses at your school?

Each January district registration information for the following school year will beavailable and announced through a statewide Bulletin distributed by OSPI. For more information contact Kristen Jaoui, SBCTC Bridge Course Project Manager,

Here’s a recording of a brief webinar describing the background of the courses and specific logistics about offering Bridge to College in your school:

To review more specifics about what’s in the Bridge courses, view this follow-up webinar:

MATH: For the Bridge to College math course, see the Bridge Mathematics Course Overview or the full set of course materials available on the OSPI web site. ENGLISH: For the Bridge to College English course, see the BTCE Overview document.

More For Educators

Bridge to College Mathematics Course Overview

Bridge to College English Language Arts Course Overview

Current list of Bridge to College Districts and Schools

Questions on how to get Bridge to College transition courses at your school? Contact Kristen Jaoui, Bridge Course Project Manager