Who’s eligible?
Bridge to College transition courses are designed to be useful learning experiences for any senior student interested in attending college who’d like to improve their college readiness skills while still in high school. For the math course, students who have taken but not passed Algebra 2 OR who passed but may have struggled with some of the material would be most likely to benefit from the Bridge to College course.
For more information about the ideal student profile for the courses, see question 11 on the FAQ list.
How it works
Bridge to College transition courses are full-credit, one-year courses taught at high schools during the school day. The courses give high school seniors a unique learning opportunity that can effectively prepare them for success in college-level work. Students who earn a B grade or above in Bridge to College courses will be considered college-ready and eligible to enroll in college level math and English courses at all participating Washington higher education institutions (currently the state’s 34 community and technical colleges and Eastern Washington University).
Want Bridge to College transition courses in your student’s school?
Contact your student’s guidance counselor to find out if the school offers the courses.
Contact your student’s principal and ask them to offer this opportunity to students.
Did You Know?
If your student has to take pre-college courses once they’re enrolled in college, they won’t be earning transferable credits. These courses take time and cost money—and do not count toward college graduation.
Students who enroll in college-level math immediately upon entering college are far more likely to earn a college degree than students who need to take pre-college courses first.