“When the Stars Align”
One of my great pleasures in supporting and helping to lead the Bridge to College project is getting to work with an amazing group of teachers who are excited about their disciplines and the craft of teaching. And it’s nice when they get some public recognition for the wonderful work they’re doing with their students in Bridge to College classes. One recent example is a March 4th blog post from CORElaborate WA, a web site sponsored and managed by Ready Washington Coalition (ReadyWA) and the Puget Sound Educational Service District. The post (see below) written by Jennifer Hargrave, a Bridge to College English teacher from Davenport HS in Davenport, WA, describes her recent experience with a module in the course that was particularly powerful and engaging for her students. It’s a great example of what Bridge to College can provide to students; if your high school is not yet offering the courses (in English and math), find out why and let them know it’s not too late to register to offer the courses in 2018-19: see the Bridge to College web page at OSPI for more informationĀ or contact Sally Zeiger Hanson at shanson@sbctc.edu, 360-704-1055.